Inspiration · Pregnancy · Valentines

My Little Valentines

I am a believer in celebrating things, everything and anything, including Valentines Day. I mean, why not? Life’s short, we might as well celebrate when we can. We never do anything huge. Before kids we would cook a nice meal together or order take out, turn the TV off and spend time together. Actually, not much has changed. Tonight I am going to make meatloaf, twice baked potatoes, asparagus and strawberry shortcake. This menu has become a Valentines Day tradition. We all love meatloaf. I use turkey instead of beef. Tip: if you buy turkey burgers, already made into paddies, it’s cheaper than just buying ground turkey. Here is the recipe that I use.

My Aunt used to make strawberry shortcakes for family get togethers. It was always delicious and it feels very appropriate for Valentines Day. You can either buy angel food individual cakes already prepared or make it yourself. Today I am going to make it myself – just from a box mix, nothing fancy. I’ve also made it with yellow cake and of course, that’s good too. Then pile on sliced strawberries that have been tossed in sugar and top with freshly whipped whip cream. Voila!

The kids were very excited about their day today. I think it’s all about the candy. Luke’s school hosted a breakfast. Here’s a picture of him with his friend Bryce who we carpool with everyday. They are two peas in a pod- super silly boys.

Elle was having a little party at school. They didn’t tell me until yesterday to bring cards for everyone. I just didn’t think that 1 year olds would be exchanging cards! Fortunately there are only 5 other kids in her class. I cut some hearts out of construction paper this morning, found some stickers and let her go at them with a marker. It’s a lot to get cards ready for three different classes! Fleet zoomed through his and spelled most of his friend’s names wrong! I gave up on Luke and just tried to get him to write his own name on them. As a kid, I enjoyed this activity but it’s like pulling teeth every year with these two. They asked, “If I don’t bring cards will I still get cards?” . . . Um, NO!

She didn’t want to have her picture taken this morning but she looked so cute in the dress her Tutu made that I couldn’t help myself. Sorry it’s a little blurry, it’s hard to get a moving target!


Speaking of love, we participated in another I Heart Hungry Kids event on Sunday. It was just as amazing and impressive as last time. All those kids working so hard is a sight to see. I took water with me this time so no one died of thirst. (Read my first post about this event here.) There were two really great take-away’s from this event for me. The first was over hearing one of the older kids who was probably 16 or so say, “I guess little kids really can make a difference.” Right on.

The second was on the ride home. I was talking to the kids about the event and asking them how it felt to participate. Did it make them feel good to know they were helping people who might not have as much as they do? Kids who might go hungry on the weekends? Lil Luke said, in his very slow southern drawl, “We might be the luckiest people in the whole wuld (world).” This mama sure is.



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