Easter · Spring


Easter weekend was action packed. This post is mostly pictures! I left my computer cord in Columbia and have felt like I am missing a limb the last couple of days. I’ve gotten to where I just have this deep rooted desire/need to write. Anyway, here’s a look at Easter with the crew.

The kids have a fun tradition with their Tutu of making a bunny cake.

Packing eggs in preparation for the neighborhood egg hunt. It was pretty neat the way they organized it. Each child brought 12 eggs, numbered 1-12 plus an egg crate numbered 1-12. You have to find each number egg, not just 12 random eggs. It slows the hunt down a little bit and gives the smaller kids a better chance! We blocked the street off and the kids ran back and forth between two houses gathering eggs and playing all afternoon.

Elle is almost big enough for the kick bike! She loved having her brother push her around.

Anyone need a 6?

I only did 6 eggs for Elle and she (obviously!) had a blast!

We managed to get a group shot. My kids are on the far left.

The Easter bunny hid the baskets so the kids had fun trying to find them on Easter morning.

This little bit woke up with some attitude. This was the best picture that I could get of her in her new bathing suit. Still pretty cute even with those pouty lips!

We had our annual egg tapping contest. I love this picture of the Luke’s. Lil Luke’s eggs did very well so he was thrilled.

Elle got in on the action!

Luke’s mom came over in the morning and we had a delicious breakfast of crockpot egg casserole, grits and monkey bread. Big Luke had to work in the afternoon. I think he had a tough time dragging himself away from us. My parents came over in the afternoon for Easter lunch. We went over to Sunrise Park for a little bit and just stared at the beautiful harbor. The boys were exhausted from the busy week and we hit the hay early.  Overall, it was a wonderful day.

Fleet read Elle her night night books. It was hilarious. There isn’t much reading going on with her. Mostly she likes to point to the pictures and then you tell her what it is. Fleet kept trying to read the stories and she would say, “no, no, no, wait” and then he would laugh. Here’a  little video, by this time Fleet had completely given up on trying to actually read:

And if you haven’t seen this video, it’s hilarious.

Let me know your thoughts